Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bigger Better Faster

Tonight I'm drinking champagne to celebrate the arrival of a new computer. May not seem like a big deal to you, but hey, I wasn't even online a week ago. Now I'm looking at a SLICKASS 22 inch widescreen monitor, thanks to Jim DeLois, who set me up with a system that's faster than a speeding bullet. "No one's ever complained that their computer was too fast," he says, and he's probably right.

This is a huge upgrade from my former computer, which was a library-used model. I paid 25 bucks for the hardware and the operating system, and I loaded a word program on it and not much else. Not sure it could have handled more than that. The poor thing made such awful grinding and screeching noises every time I saved something to the disk drive, I found myself apologizing to it.

It's gone to a happier place now. Jim is using it to set up a server. Old computers are the arena in which he pits one virus against another and watches them fight to the death in true gladiator fashion. You think it's fun being me? Imagine being Jim.

1 comment:

Nick Poole said...

Just thought I'd declare my undying love.